Lilla Rogers website is under restyling and it is going to feature some of MATS artist work.We were asked to create a manifesto which captures di essence of Lilla's courses, how they make you feel and what you'd like to achieve.
Per me il pregio maggiore, almeno per questo primo mese, è stato il vedere le cose da un'altra prospettiva e quindi sviluppare nuove idee.
Mi sono ricordata di un vecchio concept di Laura
During my first month of Bootcamp the best part was the way Lilla makes you look at the assignment from a different perspective in order to develop new ideas.
It came to my mind an old concept from my friend Laura
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Laura Raveggi Sketchbook Project 2011 |
Che ho rielaborato, lasciando da parte per una volta il fidato Photoshop in favore degli acquerelli.
Nonostante ci abbia rovesciato sopra l'intero bicchiere di acqua sporca (brava eh?) sono abbastanza soddisfatta del risultato e probabilmente ne farò un poster per il mio studio (se mai ne avrò uno stabile) ma per il contest volevo qualcosa che mi rappresentasse di più
That i reworked using watercolors insted of the usual Photoshop.
The result was quite good even if in the end I did a mess with the dirty water... I'll probably hang this poster on the wall of my studio but for the contest I wanted something different putting "more me" in my manifesto
The result was quite good even if in the end I did a mess with the dirty water... I'll probably hang this poster on the wall of my studio but for the contest I wanted something different putting "more me" in my manifesto
While working on my journal covers i felt as happy as a child in a pastry shop so i can say that MATS Bootcamp is making me feel like i'm baking new ideas to feed my creativity!
E alla fine.... Non ho vinto! :)
La competizione è stata davvero tosta, i manifesti dei miei compagni di corso sono uno più bello dell'altro!Qui trovate i vincitori e ora si torna al lavoro sul nuovo assignment!
In the end I didn't win but it was fun anyway :)
Here you can find the gorgeous winners and now back to work on the new assignment!
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